Thursday 3 February 2011

February 3rd 2011 - Not feeling the love

lensbaby or otherwise.

I think I'm having February blues.

ELeanor is driving me to distraction I had to leave a toddler group today because of her behaviour as she didn't get her own way well putting black paint into all the other paint colours to make them all sludge isn't really fair on others and totally unmanageable when you have a Lucy to deal with too. Saying NO to painting just didn't work and sparked the most humiliating show ever. In the end I just had to remove her.

I know she was tired as she put herself to bed at about 3.30. However that isn't an excuse to then go on a sudocream rampage when she got home.

I don't know what I'm going to do her behaviour is difficult to deal with some of it is because she's 3 some of it is because she's deaf however where is the line between the 2?

I want to go to Church tomorrow afternoon I just hope she behaves then.

I'm really feeling the need for this assessment today.

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